Dreams Unlimited©
A list of recent thoughts, things I saw or things I spotted on the Net, things that excite me (Uuh, baby!) or upset me, stuff I hate or love or in any other way find worth the trouble of blogging right here for your entertainment or interest and my archive. ;)
Sunday, August 31ENIAC - Beachparty 2003#Posted by Dreams on 20:21 Still tired from the two previous parties, I tried to sleep in a little on Sunday. :) I slept over at Marcel's place but it didn't last too long because I had to be back in Den Haag by 1pm. At 2pm, my Alumni organisation had organised![]() |
Saturday, August 30The joys of getting married#Posted by Dreams on 22:09 ![]() |
Friday, August 29Inter-Agency beachparty#Posted by Dreams on 21:30 Last day of the week... Nothing like ending a week with![]() |
Motorola and Symbian introduce the latest 3G phone: A920#Posted by Dreams on 15:10 ![]() How does it operate? A touch screen uses a stylus pen and handwriting recognition technology. The menu system is navigated via icons on the touch screen, as well as dedicated ?hot buttons?. New applications can be downloaded, such as games based on Java and C++. The Motorola A920 can also double up as a separate, hand-held gaming console. Flip the phone on its side and use the console-style game controls, including a five?way navigation key to play Java-based games. An expansion memory card is also available for up to 256 extra Mb of space for multimedia files." In other words, it slices, it dices and does your laundry and wakes you up with fresh coffee in the morning! :K :9 GIMME GIMME GIMME! Worst thing, a good friend of mine worked on this the past years... grrr, he's already had it, tested it... :( Check out the Motorola A920 with Symbian OS |
Quake2 used to test IBM Grid system#Posted by Dreams on 13:43 IBM has been testing its Grid system by using Quake2 and rewriting the (public domain) code to support and take advantage of load balancing across multiple servers. Although IBM encouraged researchers to download the patched version of Quake2, only 870 did so. Only 80 showed up for the test. :( guess they should have called me and my former coworkers at KPN Research! LOL :D |
Digitale Fotografie Informatie Pagina's#Posted by Dreams on 10:11 Interested in buying a digicam? Living in the Netherlands or surrounding countries? Then, by all means, check out this site: Digitale Fotografie Informatie Pagina's. Great reviews, like DPReview, excellent price watch, like Tweakers and also tests for other related things, like where to get prints and so on! Recommended! |
Thursday, August 28Excellent food!#Posted by Dreams on 12:32 Just wanted to point a fantastic restaurant in The Hague to you: Scallywags, the Restaurant. Not to be confused with the brunch and lunch place, this is the restaurant. I passed by there by accident yesterday on way to a different place. Petra and I decidedt to eat there instead and it was extremely good and nice and friendly and fun! |
phpWebSite#Posted by Dreams on 12:29 You may know these Content Mngt Systems (CMS) that do a really good job at making a community portal, right? PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, Slash, ZOPE, etc. But you don't always need a whole portal. In that case, check out phpWebSite. It's the same thing, but more towards a website instead of a portal with many sections, reviews, downloads and so on, supporting a large community of (active) users. Looks cool for clubs, alumni, SIGs and the like. |
Wednesday, August 27Software Patent Directive Amendments#Posted by Dreams on 16:05 September 1st marks the day that the EU in Brussels will decide on whether or not we will get Software Patents like they have in the US. This has already created a huuge movement in the world. While there are certain advantages and useful things to be gained from this (besides money, of course), I see too many bad things and disadvantages to support the idea. Please use this page for a last minute conference (2003/08/25-9 BXL: Software Patent Directive Amendments) to get background information or search on Slashdot where they've got a pack of info. |
NTT verifies diamond semiconductor operation at 81 GHz#Posted by Dreams on 16:00 EE Times - NTT verifies diamond semiconductor operation at 81 GHz: "The joint team formed T-shaped gates on the diamond layer, which is on a 3-mm2 diamond substrate. The gate width, which determines the performance of devices, is 0.2 micron. The device operated continuously at 81 GHz. Once the peripherals technology is established, NTT researchers said they expect to boost the output power of the device as high as 30 W/mm, the level required for practical use."Remember the story I posted about the US guys who had made perfect yellow artificial diamonds that upset the traders in Antwerp? Well, this would be a beautiful industrial application for their ideas! Watch this thing over the next 5-10 years. This will get big! It has to, SiO2 is nearing its end... |
MIT robot walks on water. Eat that Jezus!#Posted by Dreams on 15:53 MIT leaps to solution of walking-on-water mystery: "MIT researchers report in the Aug. 7 issue of Nature that they now understand how the insects known as water striders skim effortlessly across the surface of ponds and oceans. In addition, the researchers created Robostrider, a mechanical water strider that uses the same fluid dynamics to move, although not as gracefully and quickly as its natural counterpart... As the insect rests on the surface, the tips of its thin legs create miniscule valleys. It sculls the middle set of its three pairs of legs like oars, causing the water behind those legs to propel it forward as the surface of the valley rebounds like a trampoline." |
The Xzylo#Posted by Dreams on 09:56 It weighs less than an ounce (29 grams) and can fly over 200 meters! That's 2 football fields! What is it? It's a X-zylo. A what? Exactly! It's gripped and thrown like a football. It flies based on aerodynamic and gyroscopic principles and that still doesn't explain it to me... but I'm gonna find out for you! Watch this space for pictures... I'll be dammed if I don't know! :) There's an 8MB movie on the site, if you can't wait... |
Tuesday, August 26Another busy weekend#Posted by Dreams on 17:57 Had another busy weekend, but I survived... :)On Friday, I had a ![]() Later that night, I went home woth Sjoerd to Amsterdam because on Saturday, I went to Mysteryland on the grounds of the floriade. Excellent. Big party, 40000 people, goooorgeous weather despite the terrible start of the day. It cleared up nicely and got really hot. I even got a little sunburn and some people were glow-in-the-dark red at the end of the day! :) LOL Fun for us, bad for them. Music was great, I had great friends with me, weather perfect and the Floriade, while kinda big, is a beautiful setting for an artsy dance festival like Mysteryland, I think. I also met up with my old friend Desiree, whom I hadn't spoken in years... I did some terrible things and she was angry with me for a long time. But I spotted her picture on Partyflock (Dance Parade) and wrote her an Email. Thankfully, she put herself over most of her anger although she hasn't forgiven me. But it was good to see her again, talk to her and just dance like we used to do some years ago. The way home sucked. I was dropped off on Schiphol and by looking for a way to the trains, I missed the night train to Den Haag by 30-some seconds. That meant waiting until 2am for the next. So I got home at 3am... again. :( Sunday I slept forever. I woke up at 1230pm, Petra called and needed to talk. I had forgotten to tell her some things and she was a bit upset with me. Sorry... I hadn't thought about it but meant no harm. Needless to say I had to make it up, so I looked at some of this and that ;) and bought a peace offer. hihi I think I'll buy more of those. Hmmm, man do I have a good eye and a great taste! :P I was still feeling tired from the party, hadn't really slept enough, so I went to see Tomb Raider 2 to wake up. Great movie! I like it. Better than part 1, by far. Great adventure, action, a gorgeous babe and cool stunts. :) Afterwards, I went home changed and went to another ZANDhap Indestad in restaurant Loenatik in Voorburg. I had heared about it but not much. Just that people liked it, so I was curious. Turns out it's a few months old and right near the Voorburg train station. 5 minutes walking, at the most. ![]() |
Details on SoBig virus...#Posted by Dreams on 12:35 Read this story for details on the SoBig virus/worm. Interesting... |
The Room of Doom: One Video Game Collection!#Posted by Dreams on 12:33 The Room of Doom: One Video Game CollectionSeeing is believing... OMG! :respect: |
HP shows electronic paper#Posted by Dreams on 11:36 ![]() |
freshmeat.net: Category Reviews - Spam Filters#Posted by Dreams on 09:01 freshmeat.net: Reviews - Spam Filters Check it out! You'll need it sooner rather than later! |
Saturday, August 23Mysteryland#Posted by Dreams on 21:00 Today... Mysteryland! This year on the site of the Floriade, a huge piece of land near Amsterdam, which should provide a nice setting for a dance music festival! Tons of DJs, not many well known to me... An old friend of mine is also coming, Desiree aka Daisy, so should be fun! :) We used to go clubbing together when I was still living in Groningen and haven't seen nor spoken in years. Coo! |
Friday, August 22Sea sailing#Posted by Dreams on 11:03 ![]() Big ship, sun, wind, sea, work... sleep, eat... fresh air... yeah! De Eendracht. |
Thursday, August 21Canon EOS-300D 6Mpx DSLR#Posted by Dreams on 11:31 ![]() W00t! Sounds great. Althouht I'm not too happy about the plastic body. Yuck! However, I'm sure many people will welcome the lighter weight in their arms... (Whimps!) |
Wednesday, August 20Internet Storm Center#Posted by Dreams on 18:07 Always wondered about what's going on the Internet when you're not watching or using it? Well, thanks to the Internet Storm Center you can find out. It lists overal trends, spots virus or worm attacks as they happen and helps you identify what to watch out for... B) :respect: |
Zuco 103#Posted by Dreams on 17:15 Zuco 103, a Dutch, German, Brasilian band that is really really good, funky, jazzy with a definite latino & soul beat to it. Irresistable! Highly recommended! |
Symantec Security Response - W32.Sobig.F@mm (SoBig virus)#Posted by Dreams on 16:49 Not again... *sigh*OK, I had like 10 of these in mail (web)mailbox today, so appearantly *many* friends of mine have this virus already... Please get rid of it asap. It's a mess already without SPAM/Virus mails. :) Symantec Security Response - W32.Sobig.F@mm: "W32.Sobig.F@mm is a mass-mailing, network-aware worm that sends itself to all the email addresses it finds in the files with the following extensions: * .dbx * .eml * .hlp * .htm * .html * .mht * .wab * .txt The worm uses its own SMTP engine to propagate and will attempt to create a copy of itself on accessible network shares." |
Nokia acquires parts of Sega for Mobile Gaming#Posted by Dreams on 12:19 ![]() |
Tuesday, August 19Busy weekend...#Posted by Dreams on 16:16 August is a killed month for me, somehow. Everything is happening at once seems and being me, I don't want to miss out on anything if I can avoid it. So that means I run all over the place. *sigh* Well, at least I only have myself to blame and you should see our arguments! LOL :DFriday was a bit stressfull as leaving directly from work to go somewhere always heightens the stress during departure but pays you back with a great sense of relief once you get to your destination. Petra and I went to have a Spanish tapas dinner at our friends Sander and Carolien in Utrecht. The dinner was awesome with tons of garlic, nice dance tunes and a great Gameboy Advance SP to play with. ![]() ![]() |
Sony DSC-F828 Hands-On Preview on DPReview#Posted by Dreams on 15:46 Digital Photography Review takes a first look at the latest digicam from Sony, the Sony DSC-F828. :drool: :K7x optical zoom, 6 Mpx, 28-200mm F2.0-2.8 OMG :O Gimme gimme gimme! Still, I really want the Canon EOS 10D anyway. This is just a nice "prosumer", as they are called, digicam without going (semi) professional with a DSLR like the Canon. |
TuxMobil: Laptop Manufacturers With Linux Support(ed)#Posted by Dreams on 11:01 |
Friday, August 15Back to School#Posted by Dreams on 15:40 That's it... If I ever go back to college, it'll be majoring in Marine Biology. Screw Computer Science! Visiting Black Smokers is waaay much cooler! W00t!ScienceDaily News Release: Microbe From Depths Takes Life To Hottest Known Limit -- Researchers Find Iron-reducing Archaeon : "They discovered that Strain 121 grew at temperatures from 85-121 C (185-250 F). (Meanwhile, Pyrolobus fumarii, the former top-temperature record-holder, wilted. After an hour at 121 C, only 1 percent of its cells were intact and none appeared viable)." |
Candle Light dinners#Posted by Dreams on 15:30 Huge blackout zaps Northeast, Canada / Major U.S. cities paralyzed -- transportation a nightmare: "The blackout will be recorded as one of the most extensive in U.S. and Canadian history. It shut down at least 10 major airports and nine nuclear power plants in at least seven states and Canada's Ontario province and forced hospitals, prisons and emergency service providers to switch to generator power."Sounds like now is the chance to spend some quality time with loved ones, preparing an open fire dinner over candle light! :) Hmmm, romantic! (L) |
Nutch: the Open Source Search Engine#Posted by Dreams on 09:49 Watch this space! Here is a good idea in the making: Nutch. If it works, you'll have yourself an industrial-size search engine for all your needs. And everyone can run (a small) one! B) |
Diamonds are a geek's best friend too!#Posted by Dreams on 09:47 Wired reports about man-made, 3 karat large, perfect diamonds that are coming out a factory in Florida and Boston once every 24 hours! "Diamond, it turns out, is a geek's best friend. Not only is it the hardest substance known, it also has the highest thermal conductivity - tremendous heat can pass through it without causing damage. Today's speedy microprocessors run hot - at upwards of 200 degrees Fahrenheit."Read this, very VERY interesting story! |
A day in the life of me#Posted by Dreams on 02:06 Went to a party at Mecca tonight... I was there playing frisbee anyway. Shot some sunset pictures and decided to go for a drink with Salla from work. Music was good, so I called my friend Bas too... that was 4 hours ago... just got home, ... uploaded pics. Pfffew... Night everyone! :Z |
Thursday, August 14USB Flash Drive Innovation with New Automatic Boot Feature#Posted by Dreams on 12:36 Goodbye floppy drive...!Press Release: M-Systems' Smart DiskOnKey Platform Continues USB Flash Drive Innovation with New Automatic Boot Feature And of course, with Linux you can already do it now: Knoppix for USB . |
Wednesday, August 13IBM Gets Security Certification for Linux#Posted by Dreams on 17:28 Source: Yahoo News) IBM got Linux on IBM hardware certified to a level that tells governement agencies that it is upto a certain level safe.Yahoo! News - IBM Clinches Security Certification for Linux: "Linux, running on IBM computers using Intel Corp.'s (Nasdaq:INTC - news) chips, received the Common Criteria certification, a global standard for security features and capabilities of information technology products, IBM and SuSE said." |
Love to Dance#Posted by Dreams on 16:35 ![]() |
Symantec Security Response - W32.Blaster.Worm#Posted by Dreams on 16:13 There is a nasty worm ("virus") out there again. You know you've got it when a 60 second shutdown timer pops up on your screen, complaining about some RPC error thingy.Symantec Security Response - W32.Blaster.Worm There are updates and patches out there everywhere. The exploit has been identified mid July. This worm, exploits it. So it shouldn't be a problem, but many MANY people haven't updated their windows installtion (in ages). Serves them right! Just use Linux instead! ;) |
Anticipating Earthquakes#Posted by Dreams on 16:09 ![]() You have got to read this... This would be cool:Anticipating Earthquakes |
Open Monument Day#Posted by Dreams on 13:51 ![]() |
Monday, August 11Web Fountain#Posted by Dreams on 20:28 It seems IBM is creating or has created a new type of search engines that will rival, if not surpass, Google: IBM's Path From Invention To Income. (Source: Forbes.com) |
Blogfoot: the mobile photoblogging system#Posted by Dreams on 18:36 Here is another picture blog, so to speak, like the 20six.de MMS blog: Blogfoot: the mobile photoblogging system |
My dead hard drive story#Posted by Dreams on 15:47 What do you do when your hard drive crashes and you last made backups 3 months ago? Right.. you replace the broken parts! LOLHere's a story of a guy who didn't want to loose 3 months of Email, 3 months of code and even worse: 3 months of NeverWinter Nights saved games... So he replaced the logic board of a fried hard drive! Here's one for sheer dedication! :applause: |
How To Survive Slashdotting#Posted by Dreams on 15:32 The Geology dept at Southern Methodist University have come up with a cheap but very dependable way to survive big bursts in network traffic. They use 2 simple PCs, fitted with a Linux Virtual Server and some High Availability utilities. Cool B) |
Great weekend!#Posted by Dreams on 12:12 ![]() On Saturday, I went to Rotterdam to, after many many years wanting to go, finally join the Heineken FFWD Dance Parade! 38 trucks, 400000 people, dance music, sunny weather and some good friends... all combined made it a wonderfull weekend! Afterwards, the parade was from noon until 5pm, we went to Hotel New York and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine while resting our feet a little. Then we went to the Kralingse Bos, got spare ribs to go and bought some rosé in the supermarket. In the park, we had ourselves a little picnic while we relaxed and gathered back our strength for the way home. ![]() |
Friday, August 8BBCi - Leonardo - Thinker quiz#Posted by Dreams on 17:06 ![]() BTW, I'm a Kinaesthetic Thinker. |
Making Money From Multiplayer Online Games#Posted by Dreams on 16:51 ![]() Fascinating! I used to work a bit in this area back in the late 90s and we were also thinking along the same lines. B) I still think it's a good idea as long as you avoid the pitfalls |
Den Haag : More scenes from Mecca#Posted by Dreams on 12:44 ![]() |
BEACHCULT.nl - The Hottest Beachparties Online#Posted by Dreams on 12:20 ![]() |
International Fireworks Festival in Scheveningen#Posted by Dreams on 12:05 ![]() |
Defcon WiFi Shootout#Posted by Dreams on 09:39 Defqon, a security conference, organised the Defcon Wireless Shootout. Task is simple, get some WiFi equipment and try to connect over the greatest possible distance. There are 6 categories, raning from cat1 (unmodified) to cat6 (specialised). They got some amazing results!!! People used waveguides from empty cans, simple construction materials like gauze and so on. The 2-3km barrier is easily broken... And 10km too! Don't believe me? The world record for a WiFi connection is... 3 1 0 km! |
Thursday, August 7.Lomography 3.0~ / _#Posted by Dreams on 12:39 OK, I have no clue what the hell this is, but it's huuuge, appearantly.![]() |
Wednesday, August 6Dekxels - Dinner and Dance#Posted by Dreams on 11:25 Ha! ZANDhap told me about the Dekxels Dinner and Dance at the Liptonice Beach Club (Noorderstrand, Scheveningen) on Sunday, August 17th... B) Cool! €12.50 get's you food and music. (Check their flyer.) Prolly not all-you-can-eat, but it's the thought that counts! Seems the first event of it kind here in Den Haag... Of course, Bloemendaal et al have been doing this for ages, but I don't live there now do I?! ;) |
Aaah, the summer#Posted by Dreams on 10:45 ![]() Anyway, made it to the beach by 8pm and found Xevi, a co-worker, already playing beach volleyball. They were almost done and I joined in for the next games. Even though we lost most games, it was great fun! Nice sunshine on your body, not as hot anymore (like mid 80s I guess, 25-27 Celcius), breeze cooling you down a bit, sand sticking everywhere and giving your skin a nice peel ;)... In the end, I played a final match 2 on 2 and boy was it hard. But we won in the end, 28-26... pfffew. Thanks, whomever your were! (y) After that I went to Soomers for a well-deserved glass of rosé. First, I downed a liter of Gatorade (yeah, they have that here too, I was pleasantly surprised!). I had the same spot as yesterday and also ran into Dirk and his German friend Christian. Both are co-workers. But the funny thing was Dirk was there with me too! LOL So we sat there and talked guy stuff, about women mostly... :) |
Tuesday, August 5zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#Posted by Dreams on 15:26 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzROFL! |
FreewarePalm#Posted by Dreams on 09:09 For those of us who have a PalmOS PDA... FreewarePalm is a pretty good site with free Palm software, utilities, games and applications. For instance, GeekSounds. :) |
Monday, August 4Dance Valley 2003 and ZANDhappy#Posted by Dreams on 14:14 ![]() It started out very nicely on Friday, 530pm, with happy hour at the office. Sitting in the sun with a drink in your hand quickly makes you forget that you waited for that at least a whole day. :) At 8pm, I decided it was time to go and get to the beach. I got to the beach at 9-ish and discovered I had forgotten my book. :( Bummer, so instead I played some frisbee, parctised my throws and had a late souper at Soomers: their beefsteak in pepper sauce is highly recommended! (y) Then, Saturday morning, I got up on time, 930am, to get dressed up for Dance Valley 2003. Petra and I stopped by the AH to get breakfast and we ate it in the train on the way. Around noon we had finally arrived and we started to familiarize ourselves with the grounds. Soon after, we met our friends. ![]() Sunday started out late. At 1pm we woke up, got dressed, uploaded photos, had breakfast and got to a slow start. But it wasn't that bad, because we went to the beach around 4pm, after the hottest hours. The beach was packed!!! Never seen so many people there. We played some volleyball, had a drink, read books and took a nap. :) At 7pm we went home and got dressed again for our second ![]() |
Friday, August 1Disposable Digital Cameras#Posted by Dreams on 17:40 LOL, I didn't see this one coming... Take Vacation Snapshots With Plenty of Do-Overs: "The Ritz Dakota Digital and the Studio 35 Digital from Walgreens hold 25 pictures with a two-megapixel resolution, enough for enlargements of up to 8 by 10 inches. That capacity need not be wasted on bad shots; users can delete a picture if they suspect it is flawed, creating room for retakes." |
What's Microsoft (Research) up to...?#Posted by Dreams on 17:30 The Seattle Times: Inventions' wonderful world on display at Microsoft fair"Some of the inventions came out of Microsoft's advanced-research division, a group of 700 employees that spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Or, more precisely, how Microsoft can make money in the future." |
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