Dreams Unlimited©
A list of recent thoughts, things I saw or things I spotted on the Net, things that excite me (Uuh, baby!) or upset me, stuff I hate or love or in any other way find worth the trouble of blogging right here for your entertainment or interest and my archive. ;)
Saturday, January 31Zets Banquet at Joe Mama's Italian Deluxe#Posted by Dreams on 23:54 My old group of the friends from Pittsburgh held their annual banquet again tonight. It's also the election of the Persident and Vice (Just Vice). Here are some pictures of the Zets Banquet at Joe Mama's Italian Deluxe. Good to see you guys again! It's been ages...! |
Petra's photo galleries moved#Posted by Dreams on 15:39 Petra moved her photo galleries to another name:![]() |
Trance Energy 2004#Posted by Dreams on 14:12
Star Wars: Episode III#Posted by Dreams on 13:35 CountingDown has the scoop that Star Wars: Episode III footage was leaked. Whether intentionally or not, that doesn't matter. It adds to the hype and give us something to hold us over until then (May 25th, 2005)... :) |
Yahoo! News - Scientists Create New Form of Matter#Posted by Dreams on 13:20 Yahoo! News reports that scientists have created a new form of matter: "The new matter form is called a fermionic condensate and it is the sixth known form of matter -- after gases, solids, liquids, plasma and a Bose-Einstein condensate, created only in 1995... They cooled potassium gas to a billionth of a degree C above absolute zero (-273.15 degrees C), which is the point at which matter stops moving. They confined the gas in a vacuum chamber and used magnetic fields and laser light to manipulate the potassium atoms into pairing up. " |
Instant Messaging may get an official standard protocol after all#Posted by Dreams on 13:05 ![]() |
Pixar ends Disney distribution deal, saying time to move on#Posted by Dreams on 12:59 ![]() "Pixar had complained that the terms of the distribution deal were tilted too heavily in Disney's favor. Under the deal, Pixar was responsible for content, while Disney handled distribution and marketing. In exchange, Pixar has split profits with Disney and pays the studio a distribution fee of between 10 percent to 15 percent of revenue." |
Thursday, January 29Apart Game Console: It's all about how you play the game#Posted by Dreams on 23:50 ![]() |
Philips unit unveils 'rollable' displays#Posted by Dreams on 12:09 ![]() |
Microsoft broke some EU rules...#Posted by Dreams on 12:02 BBC reports that Microsoft appears to have violated EU competiton laws and may face multi-billion dollar fines.As Slashdot put it: "Let's just hope that the EU can fine them cash and not accept Microsoft coupons like the US does. Clearly the best solution to an operating system monopoly is to give free copies of windows to school and eliminate the competition as early in the education process as possible." :frusty: |
ThinkGeek :: Plush Microbes#Posted by Dreams on 11:35 ![]() |
Apple - iPod mini - Technical Specifications#Posted by Dreams on 11:03 Apple - iPod - Technical Specifications, comparison between the old iPod and the new and improved, lower calories iPod mini... Looks great but kinda gay colors... bummer. |
Intel planning earlier price cuts, analyst says#Posted by Dreams on 10:56 ![]() Coool B) Now if only we consumers would notice this quickly, it would be even better. But retailers can enlarge their margins this way, at least for a while. When one of them lowers his prices, they all follow... as slowly as possible. Grrr :frusty: |
Wednesday, January 28SitePal, the speaking part of your website#Posted by Dreams on 16:06 ![]() |
Pre-union Les Lilas 2004#Posted by Dreams on 11:23 ![]() |
Tuesday, January 27Underworld#Posted by Dreams on 10:57 Oh and I forgot to tell you, I saw Underworld last week. And I liked it a lot! It not a great movie but it's a good movie and if you liek the Blade series with Wesley Snipes, you'll like this too. And if you like women dressed in latex, you're gonna love this movie because Kate Beckinsale walks around in them 24/7! :9 Hmmm, yummie. And for the women, I'm told the guy in it is also yummie... Go see Underworld! |
Dreams Unlimited©#Posted by Dreams on 10:37 Well I finally fixed up the site. Archives are working again. Diary and News fully back online. Small layout change and other minor fixes. Changed my site feed from RDF to the new syndication standard Atom (see below) and therefore the feed is now in XML. Please update my feed. Or update your newsreader. |
Friday, January 23Atom - XML site syndication for reading and writing#Posted by Dreams on 23:12 "AtomEnabled.org finally makes it possible for developers to have a consistent, tightly specified, well-documented XML format for both syndication and authoring of content. Using one data format for both reading and writing, with a growing library of components supporting Atom development in almost any major scripting or programming language, means your application, site, or device can benefit from the network effect of a large community while spending less time developing core data exchange functionality." |
Thursday, January 22Wired News: Vaporware: Nuke 'Em if Ya Got 'Em#Posted by Dreams on 17:39 Wired has the 2004 Wired Vaporware Awards: a top 10 of the most promosing software titles that were promised to us to be released real-soon-now, but never came... ROFL Check it out! |
BBC - Science Human Body - Mind - Careers test#Posted by Dreams on 13:31 As I'm currently without a job, I'm somewhat more intersted in these tests...BBC - Careers test # Find out which careers suit you best. # The test has seven questions and should take between 5-10 minutes. # It was developed by psychometric specialist Neil Scott of Cassin-Scott Associates. |
Hit the penguin#Posted by Dreams on 13:27 Time on your hands? Play some hit the penguin.I got 271.2 yards (?), a friend of mine 271.5. Screenshots on their way! Who's next? [edit]There is also a hacked version floating around the web where you can hit 500+ easy. Don't be fooled![/edit] |
Visited Countries#Posted by Dreams on 12:04 "Visited Countries is a small project demonstrating the power of manipulating the palette of a gif image on the fly." :nerd:But it's cool nonetheless to see the world map with everything in red where you have been and green where not. (Personal note: travel more!) Here's mine: |
Wednesday, January 21People and DJs, DJs and people#Posted by Dreams on 17:34 ![]() |
WickedJazzSounds rulez!#Posted by Dreams on 13:38 ![]() So needless to say I was glad to find their website with pics, reports and listings of locations. If you're in Amsterdam and have an evening to kill, be sure to check them out at club 020. It's walking distance from Central Station too... |
Tuesday, January 20Für Elise#Posted by Dreams on 00:19 ![]() |
Sunday, January 18New standard could give Wi-Fi a voice#Posted by Dreams on 22:15 New standard could give Wi-Fi a voice: "A group of suppliers has requested permission to create a fast roaming study group within the IEEE standards body, which will work on handover between wireless access points with a view to creating a standards effort to allow office Wi-Fi networks to handle voice calls."Reminds me of the study going on MIT campus where they already built this kind of network hops for WiFi networks... Cool! B) |
Gaming weekend#Posted by Dreams on 21:12 ![]() |
Saturday, January 17Ice (Rock) climbing in the Globe in Den Haag#Posted by Dreams on 18:20 ![]() |
Thursday, January 15mozdev.org - Googlebar for Mozilla#Posted by Dreams on 17:37 ![]() |
Computer Languages History#Posted by Dreams on 17:34 And just to proove that he's not accidently insane, he also compiled the Computer Languages History. B) (Y) Man, this guy is my hero!!! :respect: LOLBTW, thanks to Petra for finding these for me... |
UNIX History#Posted by Dreams on 17:31 There's *always* a bigger geek or nerd than yourself! Really! But you gotta love'em, coz see the UNIX History... :respect: I gotta get this!!! B) |
DSL rulez#Posted by Dreams on 10:03 ![]() |
Wednesday, January 14Recreational Competition: AMICALE Volleyball#Posted by Dreams on 21:05 ![]() |
Great talk#Posted by Dreams on 17:43 Just got done with talking to Glomidco... interesting concept and great people. Now if only I were single... ;) |
Blogger: how it began#Posted by Dreams on 13:42 A Whole Lotta Features: "Blogger, a product of Pyra, started in August of 1999, and never stopped growing. A web application to make updating a page easy, it's simple functionality gave a voice to tens of thousands. A cult-like following grew out of the Blogger-using community." |
Global Middleware Consultancy#Posted by Dreams on 13:19 Today, I have an interview with![]() They're a Middleware specialist, focussing on large financial and telco organisations. Middleware is as old as computers are. The first time someone wanted to let two systems talk to each other, they need some form of middleware. So that's clear enough. However, it's not really my area of expertise although I can plan and outline integration projects. The preparation phase is all about Systems and Information Analysis and I can defnitely handle that! :) However, IBM MQ Series, TIBCO and the like, that's rocket science to me! :) I prefer more going an open route, using XML and XSLT to do a similar thing... |
Sunday, January 11Dutch Indoor Ultimate Frisbee Competition#Posted by Dreams on 18:42 ![]() |
Saturday, January 10ENIAC Nieuwjaarsborrel 2004#Posted by Dreams on 20:41 ![]() |
Thursday, January 8USB Sticks, Disk keys and Keyrings#Posted by Dreams on 14:27 ![]() Well look no longer, coz Freecom has brought you 256MB USB card (159 euro)! Packaged nicely into a credit card size casing, you simply put it in your wallet. And if you loose that, you're screwed anyway! USB connector is on-board, so no cables needed! Built-in security... Wow! I'm impressed! Recommended! |
Fashionscene: Hotspots#Posted by Dreams on 12:16 ![]() |
Research details emerging information security threats#Posted by Dreams on 10:44 ![]() "Continued increase in malware that installs open proxies on systems, especially targeting broadband users. The proxy hides the true origin of attacks whether from viruses, worms or spam. Many of the top viruses in 2003 used tactics like this, allowing spammers to send e-mail through these systems." |
Wednesday, January 7Canon EOS 10D: He's got it, yeah baby he's got it!#Posted by Dreams on 18:33 I got it! Woohoo! I finally managed to get one: a![]() "A 6.3 Megapixel Canon CMOS sensor delivers superbly detailed images. 7-point high-speed AF allows precise focusing over a wide area.A powerful DIGIC (DIGital Imaging Core) processor optimises colour rendition. High speed processing means a continuous burst of 9 shots at 3 frames per second is possible. It also extends the camera's battery life." But I love the sharpness and the huge ISO range (100-3200). |
We are go for launch!#Posted by Dreams on 10:15 ![]() Houston, we are go for launch, repeat, we are go for launch... 5 - 4 - 3 - main engine ignite - 2 - 1 - 0 - main engines fire... Sit tight and watch this space! |
Tuesday, January 6Love Actually (2003)#Posted by Dreams on 22:15 ![]() |
Get ready for the launch#Posted by Dreams on 18:32 Btw, it's t minus 4 days...Watch this space... |
Paradiski: How to build a ski gondola lift#Posted by Dreams on 14:08 ![]() |
picturephoning.com#Posted by Dreams on 12:34 ![]() |
Monday, January 5Vroom, vroooom#Posted by Dreams on 16:02 ![]() |
Sunday, January 4BigBlueBall News: 75% of Net Users Connect Sans Browser#Posted by Dreams on 23:16 Nielsen//NetRatings, reports that "76 percent of active Web surfers, access the Internet using a non-browser based Internet application. Media players, instant messengers (IM) and file sharing applications are the most popular Internet applications."Shows you how important IM have become. Not just privately, but for work as well. Actually, I think more companies should adopt in-house IM servers because I'm betting you could learn some top secret things or rumors when you'd evesdrop in on the IM connections... |
Friday, January 2Clan AsteriX and ObeliX#Posted by Dreams on 18:23 After about 1.5 years of absense, my old Quake clan, Clan AsteriX and ObeliX is back online. The clan is bleedingly dead but I kept the old site. The blog is gone. Blogger deletes it after too many month of inactivity, I guess. However, there's a new blog that I update every now and then and I ported to old site files over to my blogspot. And I have pictures from old WFA tournaments in my smugmug gallery. |
Shuttle's SB62G2Review#Posted by Dreams on 12:58 Always wondered about those barebone systems like MegaPC, Shuttle etc? Read Open for Business's excellent review of Shuttle's latest SB62G2 and you'll never doubt them again. |
Seach Engines hitists#Posted by Dreams on 12:48 Slashdot informed me that both Yahoo and Google have published their top searches for 2003... Interesting! |
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