Dreams Unlimited©
A list of recent thoughts, things I saw or things I spotted on the Net, things that excite me (Uuh, baby!) or upset me, stuff I hate or love or in any other way find worth the trouble of blogging right here for your entertainment or interest and my archive. ;)
Saturday, July 31Summer Carnaval Rotterdam 2004#Posted by Dreams on 21:20 ![]() ![]() |
Friday, July 30Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2#Posted by Dreams on 12:45 ![]() MBSA Version 1.2 includes a graphical and command line interface that can perform local or remote scans of Windows systems. MBSA runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 systems and will scan for common system misconfigurations of many Microsoft software components, including the OS itself, SQL Server, Media Player and others. |
Thursday, July 29Panorama Amsterdam - a 360 degree citymap#Posted by Dreams on 14:55 Really cool site that mapped out Amsterdam, to a degree not all of it of course, with panorama pictures.. Very cool and very nicely done.I hope it works in MSIE because in my Mozilla the (Java)script tricks won't work. :( Oh well, the counts in their favor already. B) |
Colllumn, the game#Posted by Dreams on 10:57 OK, I realize I may seriously jeopardize your highly skilled Time Management skills here, but I have to tell you about this: Colllumn.It's a small flash game, 4 KB in total, and really simple: just don't let the columns reach the level where your bat is. Otherwise, it looks and feels just like good ol' Breakout but it's just as addictive! So beware! |
Wednesday, July 28Sending great birthday eCards, finally#Posted by Dreams on 09:12 ![]() |
Tuesday, July 27Zomercarnaval 2004#Posted by Dreams on 14:15 ![]() |
Monday, July 26Nederlands centrum voor de ZelfKennisMethode (ZKM)#Posted by Dreams on 18:12 On Monday, I completed a 2nd session to get to know myself a bit better. I didn't have any particular reasons to enter it (not anymore - I did about a year ago or so...), but some friends had referred to it as useful to put the finger on your own sore spot. I'd contemplated the CSA Training method before, because it has really helped two good friends of mine. However, the "FUBAR" approach would have probably made me more rebellious instead of letting me look inside myself.So I tried the ZKM method (self-awareness method) and discovered some things that I already knew about me, but never this explicit! Kinda cool, those kinds of revelations! ;) Like a tough problem you're attacking from every angle only to exhaust yourself in scaling huge walls and creating more problems and just when you're out of options, tired and about to give up... the simplicity of the solution stares you right in the face! :D I hate it when that happens! LOL |
Saturday, July 24Petra's back!#Posted by Dreams on 14:25 Friday night, I went to pick up Petra and Petula at the airport. Their flight was delayed due to severe weather over Frankfurt. This storm had been circling Central Europe all week, so I wasn't too surprised. Finally, at 23:16 hrs they landed on Schiphol Airport. First, we dropped off Petula in Den Haag and gave a bag of goodies to cover the weekend and then we went to Petra in Leiden. I'd filled the fridge, bought some flowers and some nice things for me ;) to get through the weekend. Petra's jet lag woke her up early, so she had plenty of time to clean up her shit before I woke up! :D Haha It was a great weekend, spoiled only by a dreadful Sunday... |
Friday, July 23CueListTool#Posted by Dreams on 21:45 ![]() |
Beach Parties#Posted by Dreams on 19:42 ![]() |
Schiphol.nl#Posted by Dreams on 18:22 ![]() |
partyflock foto van Extrema Outdoor#Posted by Dreams on 18:01 LOLHere's another photo of last Saturday at Extreme Outdoor. This is just before the heavens opened their gates on us... |
Elise's walking and standing freely#Posted by Dreams on 17:42 ![]() |
Thursday, July 22ICANN adds IPv6 to root servers#Posted by Dreams on 15:44 InfoWorld reports: ICANN adds IPv6 to root servers: "In response to the rapid growth in the use of the Web, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) announced Tuesday at a board meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, that it has added next-generation IPv6 technology to its root DNS (domain name system) servers, essentially enabling every person and every device to grab an IP address."If that doesn't mean anything to you, never mind. If it does: Itsn't that *great*! :) Finally! |
www.waterski.nl - waterskien en wakeboarding#Posted by Dreams on 11:11 ![]() |
Wednesday, July 21Window Media Player Classic#Posted by Dreams on 16:06 ![]() Just install Media Player Classic (MPC) , download the Quicktime Alternative, Real Alternative, DivX, XVid and Microsoft Media Codecs and MPC can play it all for you! "But that's soo much work! I don't want to install anything, I just want it to work!", I hear you say. Sure, me too, but even with WMP9 you need to install the codecs. Sometimes Microsoft did it for you already, but not for QuickTime, RealMedia nor DivX or Xvid! You still need those anyway. The benefit of MPC is having a very small, tight player to watch videos on, using any required codec. You *always* need to install the appropriate codec anyway if it's not present on your PC. And Microsoft only plays Microsoft without any additional installations... Funny how that works... ;) |
Donovan : Sexy, Sophisticated House Music from San Francisco#Posted by Dreams on 15:34 ![]() ![]() However, Donovan's sexy, soulfull, groovy deep house is something I wanted to have and to hold, in sickness and in health 'til death or a disk crash do us part. Not just listen to when I have my 2Mb DSL line there to please me. So... what now? Well, I found HiDownload Lite (free for 30 days, more than I need ;) to download the streams for me. (I could have used winamp to do it for me but I was listening to mp3 and I didn't want to sit without music for 1+ hour plus.) Anyway, I downed 4 streams to RealMedia and used dBpowerAMP with the Real Alternative Codecs to convert the .rm into OggVorbis files! Presto! Smooth, crisp, clear steaming mp3 files for a sexy party... If you're interested, mail me! Or tune in yourself! |
Small World , Small Wonders#Posted by Dreams on 12:38 ![]() |
Tuesday, July 20Dance Valley Festival 2004....a decade of dance!#Posted by Dreams on 13:44 Got a newsletter today from UDC about Dance Valley Festival 2004. Good news is that drinks will be cheaper this year. They better coz last year it was a little ridiculous! There will be seperate drink & food coins again. :( That Sucks coz they usually raise (food) prices with that! The toilets will be free this year! That's a relief (literally) but it might mean that the difference will be paid somewhere else... :( We'll see. The line-up will be released this week too, so we can all start planning! And they're also gonna make TV recordings for the special DVD that's coming out. So y'all can see my dance qualities saved for man-kind! ;) |
Volare!!! Baila me!#Posted by Dreams on 13:34 ![]() So put on shorts, slip in a sexy top or shirt, ease into the slippers and put on the Cool Shades, turn up the volume and sing along to this... Santé! Proost! Cheers! Skol! Fuck Summer! :D |
Sony/BMG merger gets the nod#Posted by Dreams on 12:36 Yet another mega big huge record.movie/media company is formed! The Register reports that the Sony/BMG merger gets the nod: "The European Commission has approved the merger of Sony and BMG's respective music units."*sigh* And they will yet again increase prices, hold monopolies and try to prevent P2P music sharing... *deep sigh* Well I for one protest by downloading more music instead of buying it. What happened to the good old "if you can't beat them, join them"? They know they can't stop mp3 on the Internet. It's useless. It would require all out, all over monitoring of all networks and all systems and such huge tracking database to build up cases against people, that they would simply rule the world because they have to monitor and snoop into *everything*! And we know that is not possible. Because if it were, *someone* would have already done it by now! And Sony/BMG would have to acquire FBI/CIA/NSA too... But *that's* actually I would *like* to see! :D LOL |
Monday, July 19Network Intrusion Detection System - Firestorm#Posted by Dreams on 21:04 A firewall protects your systems from ordinary "burglars". It prevents unauthorized access to your systems. But how do you know that your system isn't already broken into and being used as you read this? Perhaps some was very smart of by-passed your firewall. Like with a Trojan Horse... For that, they have Firestorm NIDS: "Firestorm is an extremely high performance network intrusion detection system (NIDS). [...] A Network Intrusion Detection System is a system which can identify suspicious patterns in network traffic. If a firewall is a doorman, a NIDS is an undercover KGB agent." |
LG's New 3.24-Megapixel Clamshell Cameraphones#Posted by Dreams on 17:59 I think it's time to trade in my Sony DSC-U20 for the new LG's 3.24-Megapixel Clamshell Cameraphones. Actually it's already the 2nd one because Samsung just released a 3Mpx mobile phone too. Jeez! 3Mpx! I'm curious about the quality though... |
Journal photos Cambodja#Posted by Dreams on 14:29 ![]() |
Joe Eigo's Multi Level Moves#Posted by Dreams on 13:30 ![]() |
Sunday, July 18Pictures of Extrema Outdoor 2004#Posted by Dreams on 20:45 ![]() After 8 pm it cleared back up, clouds broke and we had a lovely, soft, quiet summer evening! Very, very good indeed! :D I hope the rest of my friends will be there again next year, because Aquabest and Extrema make for an unbeatable combination!!! :hug: Missed you! Also check out Martin's photos! |
Birthday Ninette#Posted by Dreams on 20:23 |
Friday, July 16Ninette & Extrema Outdoor#Posted by Dreams on 14:05 ![]() |
Thursday, July 15Happy Birthday Mozilla!#Posted by Dreams on 20:34 The Mozilla Foundation, creators of Mozilla, FireFox, Thunderbird and Camino, celebrate their one year anniversary! Woohoo! Congratulations for this and a job well done! :respect: |
Apple - iTunes sells 100,000,000 songs#Posted by Dreams on 15:41 Apple - iTunes - Music Store sold its 100 millionth song at 10:26 PM PDT (19:26 CET) on Sunday, July 11th. Wow! And at $0.99 each that is... oooh, roughly $100,000,000 isn't it! And who was it who said that selling music legally over the Internet wasn't gonna work... :) Duuh! |
Jewelboxing - CD and DVD Cases#Posted by Dreams on 12:38 ![]() "We created Jewelboxing to allow individuals to produce a short-run of high-end packages and to give them the freedom to concentrate on the most important part of the job, the creative." |
:: Bonjour :: c'est fushe#Posted by Dreams on 11:23 Weather here sucks BIG time, but nonetheless I'm gonna check out the famous Mecca parties in Scheveningen on the beaches of "het zwarte pad". Tonight is another edition of :: Bonjour :: c'est fushe with Bart Maes. Now he sounds familiar but I don't know from what... We'll see! |
So Tired - Where Web surfers go when they haven't slept a wink#Posted by Dreams on 11:17 ![]() |
Wednesday, July 14Proxy Elite: Free Proxy Servers, Security & Privacy#Posted by Dreams on 12:30 ![]() So what if you'd like to be a little more private...? Check Proxy Elite, which hourly gives you addresses of anonymous proxies you can configure your PC and browser to use. If you have to ask how to do this, you probably don't need it! ;) |
PDF SpeedUp v1.0#Posted by Dreams on 12:17 ![]() |
Smarter Image Hotlinking Prevention: A List Apart#Posted by Dreams on 12:13 A List Apart (ALA) has a great article on Smarter Image Hotlinking Prevention. That's when external sites are linking to your images but without copying them. So whenever their webpage is displayed, *your* server also transfers your picture to be displayed in the foreign webpage. That's fine if it's only occasionally but if you run an often visited website with cool or sexy images, this form of bandwidth stealing can cost *you* money because you'll exceed your bandwidth limit much sooner whereas no one is visiting your site! Check it out... the solution is really simple. |
Monday, July 12DJ GT has new ones#Posted by Dreams on 15:05 At GENERATION TRANCE, you can download two new releases by DJ GT! Oooooh, they're so nice again! :bounce: He's my hero! Recommended! |
Storm, rain, sun, wine, birthdays, dance, soomers#Posted by Dreams on 13:51 ![]() Friday, went to pick my wine at Winery de Fontaine. There was a wine tasting on July 4th and I liked a few. But when I went to pick them up, Richard was back from Beirut and invited me to stay for a tasting of their own for new wines in the Bistro l'Orange (next door). So by 6pm Friday I already had a slight buzz. hihi ;) Also on Friday, tons of parties on the beach here: Mecca, de Karavaan and de Billabong beach all had their own party but cooperated on the PR and flyers. Great idea, I think. Sadly, by the time I was gonna go, they were already over. Oh well, more energy for Saturday. ![]() ![]() |
Saturday, July 10timeok [swiss trance artist]#Posted by Dreams on 00:56 ![]() |
Friday, July 9The ThinkGeek 2004 Sysadmin Pageant!#Posted by Dreams on 08:44 ![]() But this year's SAD will be something special because of the The ThinkGeek 2004 Sysadmin Pageant!. Nominated your favorite sysadmin who's saved your day countless times without you even knowing it! |
Thursday, July 8Canon DSLR Challenges#Posted by Dreams on 18:15 ![]() |
DPReview Nikon D70 mini-challenges at smugmug#Posted by Dreams on 18:11 ![]() |
Saga of the Seven Suns#Posted by Dreams on 17:05 ![]() That's all I can say. I've just finished reading A Forest of Stars by Kevin J. Anderson, the 2nd book from the Saga of the Seven Suns. And I finished it almost in one blow. 440 pages the first day! I couldn't put it down! That was two days ago. But now I can't wait for the 3rd book... Damn he's good! :respect: Highly recommended if you're info SciFi books like Dune, Foundation and other big sagas. |
Petra : Journal Photos Cambodja#Posted by Dreams on 16:20 ![]() |
Slashdot | Wikipedia Hits 300,000 Articles#Posted by Dreams on 10:11 ![]() |
Wednesday, July 7Computer Games Don't Affect Kids...#Posted by Dreams on 17:59 LOL, saw this stmnt in a person's profile:Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music. :D :bounce: |
Skype, the VoIP system that rocks!#Posted by Dreams on 17:40 ![]() But Martin called me this morning *using* Skype and I was baffled! I was stunned, shocked even. Why hadn't I tried this before?!? "You dork!", I yelled at myself... Fortunately Martin couldn't hear me because my PC didn't have a mic with it, otheriwse he'd still be laughing and I'd never hear the end of it! So I went to the store, bought myself a ?15 headset, plugged it in and called Martin back. Woohoo! Do yourself a favor: install the mic, install Skype™ (pron: skaip) and call me!!! I'm in the book! |
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 Demos#Posted by Dreams on 17:29 ![]() What does it do? Well not much more than a barebone PC fitted with a decent ATI/nVidia video card incl TV out, a decent 5.1 sound card, a 160GB hard disk and a DVD player (with or without recording capabilities. Set this next to your TV and HiFi stereo and you get the same. But without the XP Mickey Mouse GUI and without all the familiar CPU-cycle wasting fading animation gizmos. In fact, it'll be so cool for anyone with an IQ between 70 and 110 who's most recent PC was the P3 and who's PC experience tops out at turning on a preinstalled, preconfigured desktop that I'm afraid this will be very VERY big by Xmas. :'( Oh well... Meanwhile, I'm busy getting MythTV working. Why? Because *I* can! ;) |
About Geocaching#Posted by Dreams on 10:45 ![]() "Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for GPS users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a GPS unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet." You can already buy a basic GPS unit for ?140 here in the Netherlands. Or get them at the airport... |
Bloglines updated its interface#Posted by Dreams on 10:29 ![]() |
Tuesday, July 6HedgeHog VBS portscanner for Excel#Posted by Dreams on 18:20 OK you probably will never need this, but *if* you do... you need it bad! Astalavista lists HedgeHog: a VBS portscanner for Excel.What does it do? It scans which ports are being used by what on your network. If you're a corporate environment, you might be able to run things like this and for good reason, so be careful: try this at home first! ;) |
Sharps Shows Prototype Color eBook#Posted by Dreams on 18:06 So coooooooool!Sharps Shows Prototype Color eBook: "Sharp has shown a prototype eBook reader with a screen that is only 1mm thick". Check the link, there are picture too! B) |
Evaluating Windows XP Service Pack 2 RC2#Posted by Dreams on 18:02 InformationWeek has a lengthy review of the upcoming Windows XP Service Pack 2 RC2. It has several important features to make XP much more secure by default instead of relying on moronic users to do so themselves. ;) |
Monday, July 5Sun reveals most significant changes in Java in 5 years#Posted by Dreams on 11:50 ![]() |
DShield - Are you cracked?#Posted by Dreams on 11:13 ![]() |
RSS Readers (RSS Info)#Posted by Dreams on 11:02 ![]() |
Scoop || Collaborative Media for the Masses#Posted by Dreams on 10:54 ![]() |
Sunday, July 4Bloglines | Free, Web-Based News Aggregator#Posted by Dreams on 23:28 ![]() But what about when you're on holiday, away from your own PC? Of at a friends? Maybe he doesn't have yuor reader, so you'd have to install it feed it all the feeds again, etc. etc. etc. But problem is solved!!! Enter Bloglines, the Free, Web-Based News Aggregator. You log in, check ya feeds and be done! Coooool! B) Highly recommended! It even has a special feature but you'll have to write me for that! It's just too cool! Trust me! |
Photos from Ultimate Frisbee in Hargen aan Sail 2004#Posted by Dreams on 00:59 ![]() I was gonna play with Force Elektro in this tournament, but my injury to my left calf still prevents me from doing anything sportive. So I went as driver, coach and photographer. :) The weather was nice although a strong wind (at least for 5-6) made throwing the frisbee an adventure. :D LOL And the storm made for some very impressive clouds and rain storms that passed us by all day! |
Saturday, July 3Guinness World Records Recognizes Cisco Router#Posted by Dreams on 22:36 Cisco has entered into the Guiness Book of World Records!: "Guinness World Records certified Cisco's CRS-1 router as the highest capacity Internet router at 92 terabits -- 92 trillion bits per second -- of total throughput. [...] The CRS-1, which Cisco unveiled in May, is capable of downloading the entire printed collection of the U.S. Library of Congress in 4.6 seconds, as opposed to a dial-up modem transfer rate that would take 82 years. It is designed for telephone companies to deliver data, voice and video services over the Internet." |
Create an online image gallery quickly#Posted by Dreams on 00:43 My friend Martin just showed me this tool he wrote, AutoGallery, to quickly and easily generate a gallery of pictures without a database using PHP. You dump your pictures into a directory on your server and a PHP script will generate thmbnails and medium versions of them for you, all neatly in HTML. A CSS file takes care of formatting an lay-out. Sooo cool! No database required, just PHP and the Imagick tool (frequently present on web hosts). Recommended! |
Friday, July 2Full Moon#Posted by Dreams on 19:34 ![]() |
Dutch government withdraws vote for Software Patents#Posted by Dreams on 18:07 Yesterday the Dutch government decided to withdraw its vote for Software Patents. :) Cool, that's good. Now let's hope it does some good too. See the FFII Software Patents section for complete coverage."This act represents an incisive criticism of the European Council of Ministers' attempts to introduce broad patentability of software. Minister Brinkhorst, acting on behalf of the Netherlands, endorsed the Council's current proposal, which not only reiterated the terms of the Council's strongly criticized first proposal, but went even further, directly rebuffing the clear stance assumed by the EU Parliament, which voted to add numerous amendments which made clear how the category of logical algorithms would be treated." |
Bittorrent sites#Posted by Dreams on 17:39 ![]() Bittorrent sites is a site where you can find websites that host bittorrent files. The way it works is you http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/download.htmlinstall a bittorrent client (or this one) in your browser, download a bittorrent file but... *you don't close the download window when it's finished*. Because you now have the file, you can share a little of your bandwidth by uploading parts of your copy to others that request the Bittorrent file. You can leave the window open as long as you like, bandwidth permitting. Cool! |
Club for victims of Dutch CSA personal training and awareness courses#Posted by Dreams on 10:34 I keep getting Emails and comments from people who've been to CSA personal training sessions or want to know more about them. I wrote about this earlier and found a German website with the same warning about CSA. It even listed a study from South-America that had followed the whole program for 1.5 years. Unfortunately, the German site is offline.Now, I received this website of a club for (potential) victims of Dutch CSA personal training and awareness courses (site is in Dutch). They seem to want to gather and organise bad experiences and generally provide a bit more warning before you jump off the deep end. There also seems a trend of "jobplace recruiting" where your superiors, who themselves are very satisfied with their own CSA training, push or pursuade you or perhaps even force you to enroll in the CSA training... |
Thursday, July 1MSN Search: Microsoft Humbly Gives In...#Posted by Dreams on 17:33 ![]() |
the LDraw Family of LEGO? CAD Software#Posted by Dreams on 11:21 ![]() |
Great new water diet#Posted by Dreams on 11:06 I'm already sorry for this post but I have to post this! :) (Warning: nudity!)There is a great new diet around. It's really simple but highly effective. It involves drinking lots of water, swimming, diving and snorkling and a healthy, balanced diet. There are some before and after pictures of two ladies who have succesfully completed a total makeover... ;) |
De nieuwe officiële spelling#Posted by Dreams on 10:46 ![]() |
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